If I thought I had trouble then fast forward to a breast cancer diagnosis at 31. Now I would loose my breast gain some scars and loose a part of my sexuality along with my hair. All the things that made me feel sexy were being taken away. I was single and dating wondering how I was going to share all of that with a guy. I wondered if I would ever find anyone who would accept all of that. I wondered if I would ever feel sexy again.
As I wrestled with these issues as a young cancer survivor I was all alone. I had no other people my age to discuss it with and my doctors certainly weren't raising the topic with me. Thankfully things are different now with organizations like i[2]y that connect and unite young people with cancer. I only wish they were around 8 years ago when I was navigating the single scene sans a boob and hair!
The Stupid Cancer Show is an online radio show with a live chat room where topics like sex and cancer are brought to the forefront. Last nite the show topic was just that! And it was great! So if you are a young cancer survivor married or single struggling with issues like sexuality and intimacy check out the podcast! And make sure you tune in every Monday nite at 9pm EST to the show. It is not to be missed!
How did you deal with sexuality and intimacy during cancer? Did you reach out and find someone to discuss it with? Did you have hangups with regards sex before cancer?
Hi there fellow young survivor! I'm Kim- one of the cabinet members of i2y, and "Chief Blonde Ambition". :) I just finished listening to the podcast of last night's show, and was SO thrilled that this conversation was happening. Anyway, just thought I'd say hello. I also noticed that you had a pug. I have one too! Stanford is 2 1/2.
Hi Kimberly! Nice to meet you! ;) Yes, it was such a great show and a much needed conversation! My pug is 5 and his name is Bosco. I am so in love with this dog it is scary! lol
Glad you stopped by my blog!
Everyone with breast cancer should know about the latest data on vitamin D in cancer. Take a look at www.vitaminD3world.com for good summaries of the data. The site also offers a good newsletter.
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